IGN: Feenixbird
Nation: Finland
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: MSG3
K/D: 1.25
Favorite Map/Mode: Snow Valley and Rattlesnake, SnD. specialized playing SnD and CTF
Weapon Usage: G36
Gear Usage: nothing special.... yet
Character Gender: male
Other Characters: nope
Banned Characters (name, reason): none
Other Clans: DevilsTear, Zenotic nStarz, Gamefusion, Rise Against and some others back in the days when i was roaming with wartex :DD
Playing Time: well, i started 22.03.2009 (according to the CA website
) played a year trough after starting, and then stopped playing for a while.
Activity: well, i used to play all the time, but i haven't played in ages
so iäm doing a sort of comeback now
Motivation: Wartex, my mate, got me into again at CA
so its just clear that iäd join his clan and get know some new mates !